Our philosophy

Our ethics around baking are simple. We believe that these practices are to be made using pure, nutritious ingredients and simple, rhythmical ways - connecting us back to nature, of bread making and to how things were so many moons ago, from field onto our tables.

Everything at Black Cockatoo Bakery is baked fresh, by hand on the same day, ensuring that we can serve and share the goods at their finest.

Black Cockatoo Bakery is founded on Love. We started this business from the love of baking, the love of the earth, of the community, the deep belief that we wanted to create a space to bring others together to share delicious wholesome bread.

It is important for us to create a respectful and mindful environment within our business that cultivates collaboration, clear communication and a sense of achievement for all involved in our workspaces. We want to teach and to learn from one another, to support growth and expansion within our work environment, to encourage ourselves and others to do and be better for our planet.

The ingredients that we use within our business are certified organic, if there are some certified organic ingredients that we are unable to source, then we always buy the purest form of that ingredient, which for us means that nothing we use has been chemically treated.

What makes us unique? Our bread is digestible: we are only using organic Australian flour (which are mostly stoneground), filtered water and sea salt; we then naturally ferment the dough for over 20 hours using our wild live cultures - enhancing flavours and keeping quality. 

We use Pepe Saya cultured butter in all of our pastries. We use local seasonal produce, we aspire to always support and collaborate with growers and producers in our local area.